Wednesday, July 27, 2016

It's Water-Wise Wednesday with Frannie the Fish {Searchable Resource Library}

Hi friends! Frannie is so excited to share a great, new tool developed by The Groundwater Foundation you can use to find fun, educational activities! The searchable resource library features over 60 easy-to-use, hands-on activity instructions, curriculum guides, how-to videos, crosswords, word searches, coloring sheets, and more! Search by:
  • Age
  • Duration
  • Key topic (i.e. - irrigation, water quality, climate/weather, etc.)
  • Category (i.e.-outdoor, messy, arts and crafts, etc.)

You can also search for activities directly by name, such as "Aquifer in a Cup." Results display an image of the activity, the activity name, a description and a link to a how-to video (if available), and a link to additional details and to download the instructions.

Check out this awesome tool and let us know what you think by completing a brief survey!

Support for the development and launch of the online resource library is provided by the National Academy of Sciences and Nebraska Environmental Trust.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

It's Water-Wise Wednesday with Frannie the Fish {Make Your Own Rain Gauge}

It's been raining a lot in Frannie the Fish's neighborhood recently and she wanted to know exactly how much rain has fallen. So Frannie decided to create her own rain gauge to keep track. Follow Frannie's instruction to make your own rain gauge!

Here's what you'll need:
  • A plastic bottle with a flat bottom
  • Scissors 
  • A ruler
  • A permanent marker
  • Stickers (optional)

Here's what you do:
1. Begin by removing all the labeling and cleaning the plastic bottle.

2. Take the scissors and the cut off approximately the top third of the bottle.

3. Flip the top third of the bottle upside down and insert it into the plastic bottle.

4. Using the ruler, mark 1/4", 1/2", and 1" increments starting from the bottom of the plastic bottle. For more fun, use stickers and markers to decorate your rain gauge.

5. Place your rain gauge outside. You can use twine to tie it to a post, bury it, or use another method to ensure it stays upright.

6. Check your rain gauge after a storm to see how much rain has fallen.

Remember friends Frannie's blog is now bi-weekly, she will back July 27th with another fun activity!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

It's Water-Wise Wednesday with Frannie the Fish {"Let's Keep It Clean!" Patch Program Updates}

Hello friends! Frannie the Fish has a few announcements to make. The Groundwater Foundation's Girl Scout patch program is undergoing some changes, but don't worry the "Let's Keep It Clean!" patches and booklets will still be available. The Groundwater Foundation's staff will also continue to be available for assistance.
Mark your calendars! Starting next week, Frannie's blog will be bi-weekly, instead of weekly. 

    We want to hear about your experience with the "Let's Keep It Clean!" patch program. Let us know how the program has worked for you! Reach out to The Groundwater Foundation at with your experience or if you have any questions.
    See you next week with a fun water-wise activity!