Wednesday, July 8, 2015

It's Water-Wise Wednesday with Frannie the Fish! {Reusing your pet's water}

This week Frannie is going to show a simple step you can take to reuse and reduce your water usage!

Frannie likes to get her pet fresh water everyday, but she doesn't like to pour the old water down the drain.  It seems like such a waste!  That's when Frannie had a great idea: she could use the old water from her pet's water dish to water her houseplants!

This is a simple step you can take to start saving water.  By reusing this water, you will be turning on your faucet less and consequently reducing the amount of water you use!

There are a lot of simple ways you can save water around your house.  Here are a couple examples Frannie has come up with:

Use less water when you cook, you only need enough water to submerge your food.

Reuse your bath towel to cut down on laundry.

Want more fun ways to reduce your water usage?  Watch for The Groundwater Foundation's 30 by 30 phone application for Apple and Android products!  This water-tracking app will give you even more tips to help you reduce your water usage and in the process reduce your water usage by 30 gallons a day for 30 days!

These are just a few examples that Frannie has thought of, can you think of more ways to save water around your house?  Share your ideas here!